We are Roman Catholics from around the world gathering together to celebrate Communion and share in the Sacraments
Bruder Klaus Church
Bruderholzallee 140
4059 Basel
Calendar with Mass times
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CH22 0900 0000 8722 1172 2
English Speaking Roman Catholic Community of Basel
Bruderholzallee 140
4059 Basel
- Religious Education 2024/25 Registration
July-August is time to register your children for Religious Education in our community. Please register using our Religious Education Registration Form
Note that for registration to be completed and your child to be able to attend the Religious Education class we will need:
- The registration of your family in our community in addition to registering your child/children for Religious Education
- Depending on the level your child will be entering the program the following documents (compulsory) and other documents outlined in the registration form (helpful) if you are new to the community:
- To enter RE2: Your child’s baptism certificate
- To enter RE3: First Reconciliation Certificate
- To enter RE4/5: First Holy Communion Certificate
- Payment to be made per the instructions on the form
Parents who had their children registered in a previous year and who already provided a baptism certificate do not need to provide one again. However, we still ask that you complete the online form as we are moving to online registration.
Please make sure to register quickly so we can book sufficient class rooms and order enough books for all the children.
In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions,
- Nursery and Word of God programs
The Nursery for babies and toddlers is in the Pre-sacristy room. Our Word of God program is tailored for children aged 4 to 7 years. It is offered during our weekly Mass on Sundays at 17.30. The children are invited downstairs before the Liturgy of the Word and return before the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The children are taught a Bible story (usually related to the Sunday readings), recite the Our Father, and complete a simple craft or word puzzle
Contact Us
English Speaking Roman Catholic Community of Basel
Bank Account IBAN CH22 0900 0000 8722 1172 2